Mobile App for Active Healthy Ageing


The AgeWell app is a "mobile coaching system" to support people in the adoption of a correct lifestyle in their community, with particular attention to interventions promoting physical activity.
Age Well is an intelligent and adaptive system capable of supporting the user in achieving a specific goal, through targeted, personalized and persuasive interventions (recommendations and suggestions).
It was developed for mobile devices with the Android operating system and created according to the principles of ergonomics, usability and accessibility to allow optimal use even for elderly people.

The Age Well app allows to:

  • Acquire information about the weight, height and age of the user;
  • Propose an innovative behavioral change model with environmental and contextual reinforcement (approach based on serious games) in order to obtain a high level of adherence in the medium-long term;
  • Facilitate behavioral change in users by promoting the adoption of a healthier lifestyle with particular reference to aspects relating to physical activity.

Please read the AgeWell Privacy Policy.