Signo Motus (SITUS) is the coordinator of the H-CAD project. The role of the company is related to the development of the special modules, the video conference tool, and the establishment and logical development of the web site.
Signo Motus srl mission is to make aware the main actors of the rehabilitation field (Hospital, Cares, etc.) of the possibilities offered by the hi-technology. By playing the role of the facilitator SITUS provides assistance and consultancies for a safe and fruitful application of such equipment. SITUS distributes in Italy different products for the rehabilitation market: motions analysis system, video vector generators combined with force platforms and lower limb prosthetic application in neurology, Telemetric EMG, Gait analysis system, etc. Sandro Scattareggia Marchese holds the Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pisa and the Degree of Doctor of Phylosophy from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. He is a member of the Official Board of Italian Engineers. His experience is mainly related to robotics applied to unstructured environments. In 1991 he has been referee for the Fifth international Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR, Pisa, Italy and researcher at Scuola Sup. S. Anna, Pisa in the framework of the Esprit research project "GLAD-IN-ART" (GLove like ADvanced INterface for manipulative and exploratory procedures in ARTificial realities). He attended courses on "Stress Analysis Training" held by the Measurement Group Inc. - North Carolina, USA. Founder of the research company S.M. Scienzia Machinale s.r.l., Pisa, Italy he participated to many research projects supported by the European Union dealing with development of poliarticulated myoelectric prosthesis, force sensors and components for robot design. He run the offices of the same company from 1991 to 1993 where he continued his research activities being scientific responsible of the Esprit Basic Research project "SCATIS" (Spatially Coordinated Auditory-Tactile Interactive Scenario); and "Three degrees of freedom spherical joint with an integrated six component force-torque sensor" supported by the CNR (National Research Council, Italy) as well as the research project "MULOS" (Motorised Upper Limb Orthotic Systems). He is author of more than 20 publications in peered review journals and International conferences. Currently he teaches Industrial Robotics at the University of Messina, Italy, faculty of Electronic Engineering and he his managing director of Signo Motus. He is married with Carmelina with two kids Simone and Adriana.